Saturday, November 1, 2008

The 30 day challenge and possible themes.

So I joined the national blog post month organization today.

The idea is to make a post everyday during that month. I think this will be a good structured way of making sure I devote time to my blog as well as my art as well as my life ( in order to make the posts more interesting).
I was thinking that perhaps the month should have a theme. But I am having trouble deciding.

One goal I've made is to work out or be active for 30 days but who wants to keep reading about Gymrat McFitter and her barbell brain all the time? Not me.

The other idea I had was to focus on taking a picture everyday with my new camera and writing about that. Done before, yes but could be interesting for a while.Until all the pictures end up being erratic or just taken to take a picture.

My last idea for a possible theme was more material/sentimental. Yesterday I rearranged my bedroom and really went through a lot of the stuff I've accumulated. I do this quite often and keep the nearest Goodwill in business. Once again I was thinking of giving away a lot and even have some possible re-gifts to give this Christmas. But would it be fascinating to write about each of the items I'm letting go? You know, where they came from, what they did for me, the experiences behind or with that item...I'm thinking I could take a picture of each and each day a new item would have its story shared. It fits very much into the Keri Smith "How to be an Explorer of the World" collecting/exhibiting idea.

Yes, I think I have a winner.

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