Thursday, September 11, 2008

So it finally works...

I have been struggling with this class of mine. We have had our moments and if you know me well, you'd know I rarely yell or really get mean, but I have gotten mean with this group. So, today I went in with a new energy, I was taking names and something else as an old friend of mine would say. And I stopped by the other 4th grade class to talk to the teacher and she changed my world. She told me about sticking post-it notes on their desks and having them give themselves checks or stars based on behavior. Then, depending on your set up, corresponding stars and checks meant certain things. For me, it meant no checks, full extra recess. Each check was a minute off of extra recess. WHAT A DAY!!! We had the best day ever, since they were self-monitoring and the ones who hadn't been rewarded before finally received recognition. I came home and actually had energy! God bless you post-it note! And thank you for new beginnings!
ps. Thanks Alisha for the blog advice. I'm new to this whole thing, obviously!

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