Subbing never ceases to amaze me.
Seriously, just when you think you've got something down, everything changes and totally knocks you down on your bum.
I often go into a classroom mentally and emotionally prepared. It used to be a sort of putting on of invisible armour but now I've found a better method. As I drive to the school, I think of having an open and calm heart. I imagine myself patient and understanding. There are two images I think of : Mary Poppins and an eagle. Mary Poppins calls herself "firm but kind" which is my teaching style. An eagle is strong, serene and majestic. This and even music helps. Jay-
Z's self confident swagger and
Beyonce's fierceness inspire me.
So, by the time I'm in the classroom, I'm in a really good place. Today was no exception. It was just some of the students' reactions that were different.
During the reading group portion of the day, this girl was being, for lack of a better word, a jerk. Not listening, disruptive and rude, she really was bugging me. Finally I told her I'd send her to the office which other teachers had already suggested for dealing with certain students. She seemed to stop and get back on track. But then, get this.
She asks if she can stay in during recess and even eat lunch with me! I was so dumbfounded I said yes. She and two other "trouble makers" came in and played teacher. Now tomorrow, since I go back to the same place, they want to come in again and bring a few other friends.
I was thinking about it on the drive home and I guess it really always comes down to the simple fact that (quoting Oprah here) "every child wants to be heard and seen." And all humans really just want attention. Someone to notice us, listen to us, and understand us. Yet, I cannot get over how we go about getting that attention sometimes. This desire causes some strange behavior and forges some unusual bonds.