Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Just call me Alice.

Like from the Brady Bunch.

I have officially started my summer job as the housekeeper for this crazy family I am somehow related too. It is rather interesting.

Or at least I think it is.

For instance, today I chauffeured young Master T around to the dentist and a training session for his job. Then I organized the linen closet and looked online at the Container Store website for some different options. I sat in traffic while construction workers fixed a road that didn't need fixing. I was going to pick up dry cleaning. When I got to the dry cleaners, I started thinking about housewives and maids and whether or not I looked like one. Nah, probably I look like some body's daughter. Then I drove home and gathered the mail, straightened up the kitchen, threw some laundry in, wondered if I needed a uniform, looked at the Gap website for possible "uniform" outfits, applied for some jobs, emailed some pals, and now am writing this.

It should be rather fun this summer since I like to be in charge of silly projects and make little lists and figure out problems like what kind of boxes will look good in the laundry room.

I also have gym time worked into my contract and cannot be terminated until August 22nd.

Uh, oh...The boss lady's coming home. Gotta go!

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